Portuguese Desk

In Expansion of our International Field of Activity

We advise clients from Portuguese speaking countries on corporate law & food law. In particular, our practice includes (1) assisting medium-sized companies in entering the German market and (2) assisting groups of companies in transactions. Due to the constant exchange with Portuguese legal advisors, we are able to offer our clients optimal legal advice Benefit from our broad range of advice, our large network in Portugal and our experience in cross-border legal relationships and transactions.

Portugal as an Investment and Sales Market Opportunity

  • growing importance of the service sector with a share of 76.6% of gross value added (already in 2013) in the Portuguese economic structure
  • low market access thresholds
  • common internal market

We understand your business partners in Portugal, culturally, linguistically and in terms of their legal systems. We therefore accompany your project from the very beginning and support you in your cross-border business relations in all areas of corporate law and in the food sector.

Relevant Sales Potential

Especially the food industry, agricultural sector and healthcare in Portugal are of strategic importance. Due to the dependence on food imports, German food products have gained more and more presence and awareness in Portugal in recent years, especially through German discounters and supermarkets. Food imports from Germany have therefore shown a positive trend in recent years.

The Portuguese market for innovative and digital technologies and products in the healthcare sector is also dynamic and internationally attractive. Portugal’s efforts to continuously modernize and digitize the healthcare sector fundamentally offer a wide range of sales potential for German companies. At the same time, products “Made in Germany” enjoy an excellent reputation in Portugal and are therefore extremely attractive for marketing.

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Your Contact Person

The Portuguese Desk is led by Dr Stephan Schäfer. He is a partner at ZENK and a specialised lawyer for commercial and corporate law with long-standing professional contacts in Portugal and a broad network. His work focuses on supporting complex international projects (M&A transactions; rolling out compliance systems) and the legal modelling and implementation of innovative business models.