Seminars and Events

Our lawyers personally inform at different events about all new and important, current judgments and their effects, as well as about regularly occurring questions in the different fields of law. For an overview of all previous event formats and topics, please refer to the further pages.
There you can also register for future events if you are interested in the respective formats and would like to hear from us.


ZENK TALK is a series of regular lectures for our clients and partners.
A keynote lecture is given on a current topic and then discussed. The evening is completed by discussions in a small group over wine and finger food. ZENK TALKS are free events.

ZENK Seminars

We regularly offer ZENK seminars on various fields of law.
The seminars take place in our office or in external conference rooms. The flat fee includes the seminar fees, the catering on the day of the seminar and the seminar documents.

ZENK Lawyers at external events

Our lawyers give lectures and discuss current and relevant legal topics at numerous external events.
The external seminar organizer is responsible for registration.